A few weeks ago President Barack Obama said the following at a commencement address at Rutger's University.
"Class of 2016, let me be clear as I can be: In politics as in life, ignorance is not a virtue......facts, evidence, reason, logic, and understanding of science: these are good things. "
In my life I've been called many names. I kind of have a thick skin for that kind of thing. But for me one of the worst things you could call me is ignorant. I take great pride in exploring, researching and really thinking about my point of view. I never just took in what my parents spoon fedme, what my church told me to believe or what one media source has to tell me. Ignorant is something I work very hard not to be.
But for some, maybe many, ignorance really is bliss. Many choose not to learn outside of what they were raised to believe or really do much thinking outside of their comfort zone. For some reality is whatever they wish it to be even if it isn't the case at all.
If you are someone who does a lot of thinking and reading, you are probably not going to be too offended by what I'm about to say. For everyone else, this might sting a little.
I'm not going to start where you think I'm going to start just yet. Right wing conservatives you have a few moments to take a few yoga breaths now but believe me, you will get your turn.
Im going to start with some of my progressive friends. I'm going to start with a small unyielding group of people who identify as Bernie Bros. This does not exclude you Susan Sarandon (one of my favorite actresses but not one of my favorite outspoken liberals), for I have no gender bias.
First of all, I have nothing against anyone who voted for Bernie Sanders. I'm from the Socialist Republic of Seattle. If I had a big beef with anyone who voted for Bernie, I'd have very few Seattle friends left. I also, get ready, DO NOT THINK Bernie should drop out. I support the idea that every person in every state who wants to be part of the process should be able to vote. In 2000 I still cast my vote for Bill Bradley even though it was very clear that Al Gore was going to be the nominee. Imagine that? A democracy.
But let me clear. Senator. Bernie. Sanders. Is not winning. the nomination and no amount of reading usuncut.com or Huffington Post (which used to be a credible news source before Bernie started running for president) is going to change that.
He just isn't. Sorry to be the ruiner of unicorn and rainbow dreams, but most of the people have voted and it really hasn't been close.
So here is the thing. If you are a young new voter and voted for Bernie as your first vote, Welcome. I profoundly hope that you'll be a good sport and continue to participate in the process. Because if you don't like the process the only way to change it is by being part of it and voting. That's just the truth. Going to Nevada and acting like a petulant brat at the convention by throwing chairs isn't going to change the process. It's not revolution, Jean Valjean. It is a two year old throwing a tantrum. And no one is going to take that seriously.
If you have been of voting age for some time, but have chosen to make a statement by not voting until this year, I welcome you also. However, I will also say that your "statement" you made by not voting is perhaps not the statement you were going for. The process that was created that you do not like exists because you weren't part of it. You let it happen.
To all of you, if you want to make change you must vote. Not just once at a caucus that you were lucky enough to not be disenfranchised for and that you were able to have enough time off work to actually attend. You must continue to vote. Even when it's boring. Especially when it's boring. The boring elections are probably the most important ones, but they are the ones that get terrible turnout. It's the boring elections that gave the congress to Tea Party Right Wingers who continue to obstruct justice and not to do their job. That didn't have to happen. There are more liberal minded people in this country than Tea Party right wingers. The liberals didn't show up to vote, and the right wing conservatives did.
So again Bernie, a man who deserves respect, is not going to be the president. Stop pouting and become part of the process. Democratic change doesn't happen quickly. It's messy. It isn't perfect. It especially isn't perfect if the people don't come out for it.
Don't worry Conservatives, you aren't getting off. Your turn is coming. To be continued.
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